Economics Paper 2, WASSCE (PC, 2ND) 2018

Question 3


  1. Define the term primary production
  2. Enumerate the two examples each of:
    1. primary production;
    2. secondary production;
    3. tertiary production.
  3. Explain any four ways in which primary production is important to the economy of a country.


This question was the quite popular with the candidates and was attempted by most of them. The question required candidates to define primary production, enumerate two  examples each of primary, secondary and tertiary production and to explain ways in which production is important to the economy of the country in the (a), (b) and (c) parts of the question respectively. Most candidates could define primary production, provide examples of primary, secondary and tertiary production in the (a) and (b) parts of the question but could not expatiate on their points in the (c) part of the question. The performance of candidates in this question was above average. Candidates were expected to answer thus to obtain maximum marks:


  1. Primary production – This form of production involves the extraction of raw materials in their natural form from nature.
    1. Mining, hunting, quarrying, fishing, forestry and lumbering etc.  
    2. Construction, manufacturing, building and agro-processing etc.   
    3. Teaching, legal services, banking, accounting, medical services etc.
    1. Serves as a source of food to people.
    2. Provides agro-based industries with the necessary raw materials.
    3. Serves as a source of revenue to the government.
    4. Contributes substantially to the GDP of a country.
    5. Earns foreign exchange through exports.
    6. Provision of employment.
    7. Serves as a source of income to primary producers.
    8. Serves as a market for industrial goods.
    9. It provides herbs for medicinal purposes.
    10. It serves as a source of energy(domestic and commercial).
    11. It helps to attract capital and technology eg mining.
    12. It helps to improve infrastructure in areas where important natural resources are found.