Economics Paper 2, WASSCE (PC, 2ND) 2018

Question 8


  1. Define natural resources.
  2. Identify any three ways in which mineral resources are important to the economy of a country.
  3. Explain any three problems facing exploitation of solid minerals.


This question was the least attempted question of the paper. The few candidates that attempted it demonstrated a fair understanding of natural resources, why mineral resources are important to the economy of  a country and the problems facing the exploitation of solid minerals in the (a) ,(b) and (c) parts of the question but few candidates explained the problems facing exploitation of minerals in general in the (c) part of the question. Candidates’ performance in this question was quite impressive. 


These candidates were expected to give the following answers to score the maximum marks:

  1. Natural resources are gifts of nature used in production of goods and services.
    1. Provision of jobs for the people involved in the exploration and mining activities.
    2. Countries involved earn foreign exchange through their exports.
    3. Mineral resources provide raw materials for some industries.
    4. Transfer of technical know-how through imports of personnel and equipment.
    5. Mining of mineral resources contributes to the gross domestic product.
    6. Mining activities attract development of infrastructure to such areas.
    7. It serves as a source of revenue to government.
    1. Inadequate funds for exploration and exploitation of solid mineral resources.
    2. Personnel required for the exploration and mining may not be available.
    3. Poor transportation facilities make areas of mining inaccessible.
    4. Unstable world price of mining products may discourage people from going into such ventures.
    5. Areas of mining activities do experience environmental pollution and land degradation.
    6. Insufficient information on the quantities and qualities of the distribution of solid mineral deposits.
    7. Illegal mining  leads to smuggling of the proceeds which underestimate the national income.