Fisheries Paper 2 Alt B., WASSCE (SC), 2016

Question 3

    (a)        List four criteria for selecting a site for a fish pond.                     [ 4 marks ]

    (b)        State four fish pond maintenance practices.                              [ 4 marks ]                                                                            

    (c)        Name three types of management systems in aquaculture. [ 3 marks ]                                                                          

    (d)      State three management practices in fish seed production.         [ 3 marks ]      

    (e)      Describe three types of aquaculture.                                                   [ 6 marks ]


This question was well attempted by the candidates. Most of the candidates were able to list the criteria for selecting a site for a fish pond, state fish pond maintenance practices and name the types of management systems in aquaculture as required in 3(a-c). However, majority of the candidates were unable to state the management practices in fish seed production, though they were able to describe the types of aquaculture as required in 3(d) and 3(e) respectively.

The expected answers were:

3 (d)    Management practices in fish seed production

            -           Selection of broodstock.
-           Maintenance of optimum water conditions.
-           Feeding with natural food organism (plankton).
-           Introduction of artificial feed based on size.
-           Separation of dead /Unfertilized eggs from hatchlings.
-           Transfer of hatchlings to production / Grow-out ponds.
-           Hypophysation (Injection of broodstock with hormones).
-           Stripping /Fertilization of eggs.
-           Incubation of eggs.