Geography Paper 2 WASSCE (PC), 2017

Question 5


  1. Draw an outline map of Nigeria and on it show the annual distribution of rainfall.
  2. Highlight three effects of rainfall on the distribution of vegetation in Nigeria.
  3. Outline four economic benefits of the agricultural industry in Nigeria.



This question was attempted by very few candidates and the performance of those candidates that attempted it was poor.  The maps were poorly drawn and the rainfall zones poorly inserted. 
The effects of rainfall on the vegetation of Nigeria were also poorly highlighted.  The expected answers are:
- as rainfall decreases northwards, density of vegetation decreases
- low rainfall supports the growth of short deciduous trees in the north
- the beginning of rainfall marks the beginning of the growth of vegetation
- heavy rainfall supports the growth of tall, large plants in the south
- very high rainfall areas in the south support the growth of forest vegetation
- areas with very low rainfall support the growth of Sahel vegetation
- where rainfall is continuous and well distributed evergreen forest is being supported
- areas which have rainfall between 1000mm-2000mm produces guinea savanna type of  vegetation
- areas which have rainfall below 1000mm produce Sudan savanna type of vegetation
- areas with high rainfall produce luxuriant vegetation
-areas which have rainfall below 500mm produce Sahel type of vegetation
 -areas which have rainfall between 1500mm-2000mm produce montane type of vegetation (Eastern highlands and Jos Plateau)

The economic benefits of the agricultural industry in Nigeria are:
(c)        Economic benefits of the agricultural industry in Nigeria
- employment opportunities
- generates revenue
- source of income
- source of raw materials for industries
- foreign exchange earning
- stimulation of agro-allied industries
- enhances research and development
- improves standard of living
- improvement of  balance of trade
- diversification of the economy
- provision of market for industrial goods
- provision of social amenities
- source of food supply
- increase in Gross National Product (GNP)
- development of infrastructure
- helps to control inflation
- conservation of foreign exchange
- development of settlement