Geography Paper 3 WASSCE (PC), 2019

Question 7
(a) Using Koppen’s system of classification of climates, identify the types of climate that are represented by the letters listed below:
(i) A;
(ii) B;
(iii) E.
(b) State two characteristics of the climate type Af.
(c) Highlight four reasons for which Koppen’s classification is most widely accepted.



The question was the least attempted by candidates in this paper. They performance was generally poor in this question. The expected answers were:

The types of climates that are represented by the letters
(i) A = Tropical rainy climate
(ii) B = Dry climate
(iii) E = Polar or ice climate

(b) Characteristics of the climate type Af
- located at latitude 50 astride the Equator
- found at Amazon Basin, Zaire Basin, coasts of West Africa and East Indies
- temperatures are uniformly high throughout the year
- mean monthly temperatures are around 270C
- no winter
- diurnal range of the temperature is low between 2 - 40C
- no month with average temperature below 180C
- annual rainfall is between 1,500mm and 2,000mm
- rainfall is mainly convectional
- no month with rainfall less than 254mm
- rainfall is associated with thunder and lightening
- precipitation exceeds evaporation
- there is no month without rainfall
- double maxima rainfall
- falls within the Doldrums
- cloud cover is heavy
- mainly cumulus clouds
- humidity is between 70 - 90%

(c) Reasons for which Koppen’s classification is most widely accepted
- Koppen based the classification on temperature and rainfall
- took into consideration the influence of latitude and altitude
- recognized climates such as the humid and hot deserts
- classification was scientific
- it used symbols with precise meanings
- took into consideration vegetation and wind systems
- broke the classification into smaller groups
- classification was based on empirical evidence
- perfected the Greek early classification
- can be taught at all levels of education
- ideal for climatic study
- simple to understand
- it is objective
- it is quantitative because numerical values are used for defining boundaries of climatic groups
- it uses more than one parameter for the classification