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Government 2, May/June 2009  
Questions:   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10   Main
General Comments

question 9

Highlight four objectives of the Nigerian Youth Movement. (NYM)



This question was also not popular with the candidates.  Most of the candidates only demonstrated little knowledge of NYM in areas of membership, origin and the year founded.  Little did they know about the objectives.  The few who attempted the question had to struggle to get half of the total marks for the question.  The overall candidates’ performance in the question was about average.

In order to score high marks in this question, candidates were expected to identify some of the following points:

-           to develop a united nation out of the conglomeration of people who inhabited Nigeria;
-           to pressurize the government to award scholars to the youths to study abroad;
-           to strive for the establishment of new Legislative Council built on the principle of an unofficial majority;
-           to demand for equal economic opportunities for Nigerians with those enjoyed by foreigners;
-           to demand better pay for Africans in the Civil Service;
-           to demand for higher executive appointments for Africans within the civil service, etc.

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