Government 2,Nov/Dec 2015

Question 10

(a)                    Describe the origin of the Commonwealth.
(b)        Identify four benefits derived by being a member of the Commonwealth.


This was a popular question. The candidates performed averagely well in it. However, some candidates failed to satisfy the demands of the question. They failed to score good marks in the ‘b’ part because of skimpy answers. The candidates were expected to provide the following as answers to the question.

            (a)        (i)         Commonwealth means association of former colonies of Britain.
(ii)        The origin of the commonwealth could be traced to 1907 when  representative governments of five countries Australia, Canada,      Ireland, New   Zealand and South Africa met for the first time.
(iii)       The meetings became regular by 1926.
(iv)       The Association was formally known as the British Commonwealth of Nations
(v)        The modern commonwealth began in 1931, when British parliament  created the statute of West Minster. It is headed by the British Monarch.

            (b)        (i)         Common language: All the member nations of the commonwealth   speak English and this facilitates interaction.
(ii)        Common legal system: They all have the same system of law.
(iii)       Commonwealth scholarship scheme to deserving students.
(iv)       Financial assistance:  Members receive financial assistance in the form  loans, grants and aids.
(v)        Economic cooperation:  e.g. trade by giving preferential tariffs and concessionary terms of payments.
(vi)       Sporting Corporation:  All the commonwealth nations meet every four years for sporting activities.
(vii)      Technical corporation:  Member countries employ technical expert   from other member counties to help in their development programmes.
(viii)     Promotion of democracy and good governance by sponsoring election observer teams in member states to monitor elections
(ix)       Military corporation: in the form supply of equipment, technical advice and training of personnel
(x)        Provision of employment:  It serves as an avenue of employment for many qualified citizens of member countries.

            (xi)       Assistance to war-torn countries:  It offers various forms of assistance to war devastated member countries e.g. Sierra Leone.