Government 2,Nov/Dec 2015

Question 3

(a)        What is bicameral legislature?    

  (b)   Identify four merits of a bicameral legislature.


This was another popular question and the candidates’ performance was average. They really had a good idea of the question. However, a few candidates performed poorly in the part ‘b’ by not explaining their points in order to earn full marks. The candidates were expected to write the following points as answers to the question:

(a)        A bicameral legislature is a legislative body with two houses i.e. the Upper House and the             Lower House.

(b)        (i)         It allows for the smooth running of a federal state.
(ii)        Serves as means of giving representation to special interest groups.
(iii)       Acts as a check against dictatorship.
(iv)       Prevents hasty passage of bills.
(v)        Accommodates experienced statesmen and knowledgeable people in the society.
(vi)       Protects minority interests/rights.
(vii)      Relieves the Judiciary of some of its work load when it acts as the highest Court of Appeal.
(viii)     Relieves the burden of work stress of a single chamber.
(ix)       Allows equal representation of component units in the Upper House.

(x)        Widens the base for political participation.