Government 2,WASSCE (PC), 2017

Question 1

   (a)        What is communalism?

 (b)       Outline any four features of communalism


This was the most popular and  straight forward question. All the candidates who attempted it performed very well and scored high marks. However, some candidates deprived themselves good marks by misinterpreting communalism for communism. Candidates were expected to provide the following answers to the question.

(a)        It is defined as a social and political system which practises group ownership                     and use of property by members of a community.


  1. It encourages collectivism.
  2. It promotes group interest
  3. It is advocated with land and its products.
  4. It encourages equitable distribution of resources.
  5. It encourages free labour
  6. Practiced in small communities
  7. Direct participation of all in decision making.