Government 2,WASSCE (PC), 2017

Question 6

Highlight five functions of Age Grades during the pre-colonial administration of the Igbo Society.


This question was unpopular and was also avoided by some of the candidates. The few ones who attempted it did not perform well; they failed to provide correct answers to the questions. The candidates were expected to provide the following answers in order to score good marks.
            (i)         The Age grades helped in implementing the policies and decisions of the                            various organs of the community
            (ii)        They checked the excessive use of power of the traditional rulers and Council                    of elders.
            (iii)       The maintained and enforced law and order.
            (iv)       They carried out communal and civil works.             
            (v)        The age grade defended the community from external aggression.
            (vi)       They presented cultural programmes and helped in the organization of        festivals.
(vii)      They engaged in the collection of dues, fines and execution of punishments                       imposed on members of the society.
            (viii)     They settled minor disputes among their members and punished those                                 convicted.
            (ix)       They initiated new members into the fold.
            (x)        They undertook the socialization of their members.
            (xi)       They assisted the council of elders in law-making.