History Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2022

Question 2

    Identify any five economic features of the Hausa states.


This was a fairly popular question and most candidates avoided the question. The candidates that attempted the questions failed to give concise points. Their performance was not good as they didn’t really understand it. The candidates were expected to provide the following answers to the question.


(i)          The Hausa states cultivated crops such as guinea corn, millet, beans, vegetables, etc.
(ii)        They reared animals and birds e.g. cattle, fowls etc.
(iii)       They engaged in both short and long distance trade.
(iv)       Existence of market centres where goods and services were exchanged.
(v)        Emergence of important trade centres e.g. Kano, Katsina etc.
(vi)       They were engaged in leather works.
(vii)      The presence of iron ore which gave rise to smelting and blacksmithing.
(viii)     Hunting activities were also carried out by the Hausa.
(ix)       Revenue was received from Arab traders.
(x)        Tributes were collected from the vassal states.