History Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2022

Question 6

    Outline any five effects of colonial rule on the Nigeria economy.


This was a popular question. Many candidates that attempted it had a good understanding of the demands of the question. The candidates were expected to explain the following points in order to score good marks.

(i)      Colonial rule gave Nigerians the opportunity for employment as labourers, miners, clerks, technicians etc.
(ii)     Encouragement of the production of cash crops for export.
(iii)     Provided atmosphere for trading activities.
(iv)     Emergence of new class of merchants.
(v)       New roads, railways, water ways were built.
(vi)      Telegraphs and telephones were also established to promote trade and communication.
(vii)      Banks were established to provide credit facilities for European traders and businessmen.