History Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2022

Question 7

    (a) Name any three  Constitutions before independence in Nigeria.
    (b) Outline any four major criticisms of the 1951 Macpherson Constitution of Nigeria.


This question was popular and was attempted by most of the candidates. The few ones who attempted it did perform well; only a few failed to provide correct answers to the question. The candidates were expected to provide the following answers in order to score good marks.    


(a)     (i) Clifford Constitution
(ii) Richard Constitution
(iii) Macpherson Constitution
(iv) Lyttleton Constitution


(b)    (i)    Had no provision for the appointment of Prime Minister at the central level.
(ii)    It did not provide for a true political leadership at the central or regional level.
(iii)    It was a mixture of unitary and federal forms of government.
(iv)    It did not encourage team spirit among the Council of Ministers.
(v)      It strengthened regionalism.
(vi)     It retained the veto power of the Governor.