Three dormitories D1, D2 and D3 are such that D1 and D3 are 60 m and 80 m from D2 respectively. The bearings of D1 and D3 from D2 are 315O and 060O respectively. A dining hall is located at a point, M, such that students of the three dormitories walk equal distance to the hall.
- Using ruler and a pair of compasses only and with a scale of 1 cm to 10 metres, illustrate by construction, the given information.
- Measure |D1D3|.
- Find the distance from M to D2.
The Chief Examiner observed that most Candidates’ avoided this question. They should have proceeded as follows:
Then measure |D1D3| = (11.2 0.1) cm or (112
10) m and also |MD2| = (5.8
0.1) cm or (58
10) m.