Metal Works 2, WASSCE (SC), 2018

Question 5


(a)        State the difference between hollowing and raising.           
(b)        Explain the following terms in machining:
(i)         chamfering;
(ii)        knurling;

(c)        List two metals that do not require coolant when being cut.
(d)       Explain the soft soldering process with reference to:
(i)         cleaning;
(ii)        heating;




Most of the candidates could not provide correct responses to question 5. The required responses are:
Stating the difference between hollowing and raising
In hollowing metals are hammered into bowls or shallow dishes on a solid block or sand bag with the aid of hollowing hammer or bossing mallet. The process results in stretching and thinning of metal since metal is beaten inside.
In raising, very shallow bowls that cannot be achieved by hollowing is achievable. The metal is beaten over a domed head or stake to obtain the required shape.
In raising metal is shrinked. Raising is done from outside.

Explaining the following terms in machining
Chamfering: Cutting a bevel on the edge of the workpiece.
Knurling: Embedding a pattern on the surface of a rod.

Listing two metals that do not require coolant when being cut

  • Copper
  • Aluminium
  • Cast iron

Examining the soft soldering process with reference to:
cleaning: It is to remove foreign materials like oxides from the surfaces to be joined using flux and emery cloth.
heating: Connecting the soldering iron to electricity or heating the bit in an oven or forge to the required temperature.
joining: Arranging the pieces to be soldered and applying soft solder. Apply heat to melt the solder for joining the pieces.