Painting And Decorating Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2021

Question 3

(a)        Describe a cylinder roller.
(b)        Draw and label any three parts of a cylinder roller.
(c)        State any three advantages of using a cylinder roller in decorative painting.



Most of the candidates answered the question wrongly, though, there was the group that answered fairly and another group answered out of context. The candidates’ performance was fair. The candidates were expected to write the following points as answers to the question:


(a)        -           This is a tool designed with straight cylindrical core, covered with fabric, fixed into an axle which can be single or double attached to a handle for easy use
during painting operation.             



(i)         -           It applies paint faster on a surface than a brush.
(ii)        -           No flashing or sheariness when used for paint application.
(iii)       -           With attached extension, the need for scaffold is reduced.
(iv)       -           No brush marks, but gives texture finishing like orange peel.
(v)        -           It covers large area than a brush.       
(vi)       -           It covers large area at a long stretch.
(vii)      -           It gives even distribution of paint.