This question was attempted by many candidates but the candidates’ performance was poor.
In part (a)(i) candidates could not draw and label hockey stick correctly. In part (a)(ii) candidates could not state the rules a player must observe during a game of hockey. In part (b)(iii) candidates could not explain the term mid-field as used in football game.
The expected answers were as follows:

(ii) Rules and regulations a player must observe during a game of hockey
- Player should not make undercut type of stroke;
- Player should not use back of the stick;
- A player must not hit the ball between his own feet;
- Player should not raise stick above shoulder;
- Player should not hit the ball dangerously;
- Hockey ball should not be topped by a field player with any part of the body except the hand;
- No player should take part in the game without stick;
- No player should allow feet, shoulder or any part of his body to interfere with an opponent playing the ball;
- A player must not back up his stick with his feet.