Tourism Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2016


Question 5

(a) Define travel insurance.

(b) State any four outlets where travel insurance can be purchased.

(c) Outline any five benefits of travel insurance to travelers.

This question was popular among the candidates and their performance was fairly good. However, some candidates could not correctly define travel insurance.


Travel insurance is a policy that a tourist purchases to protect himself/ herself against some risk or misfortunes that he/she might encounter in the course of the trip within or outside the country.


Outlets where travel insurance can be purchased are:

- travel agency

- a tour wholesaler or cruise liner

- an airline website

- a bank

- a credit card company

- an insurance company

- an insurance broker

- an insurance retailer at embassy and airport


The benefits of travel insurance to travellers include:

- it provides for financial protection to traveller in case of any misfortune

- it compensates for trip interruptions due to cancelled flights

- it pays for replacement of lost or damaged luggage

- it provides general or emergency assistance

- protects against failures of service providers