Question 6
Highlight any five features of the Igbo traditional societies.
This question was unpopular as it was avoided by some of the candidates. The few ones who attempted it did not perform well; they failed to provide correct answers to the questions. The candidates were expected to provide the following answers in order to score good marks.
- Decentralized administration e.g. acephalous society;
- The compound/family was the unit of administration;
- Absence of formal political institutions;
- Fusion of religious, judicial and political functions in administration;
- Age-grades were important factors in the administration;
- Council of Elders: The family heads played important roles in the administration of the village;
- Title holders (Ozo title) played significant roles in the traditional political system;
- Decisions were reached by consensus;
- Succession to leadership/power is achievement;
- Deities/oracles provided bond of unity among the people.