Question 3
Bayyana yadda ake furta baƙin [z].
The question is on phonology and candidates were required to explain the articulation of [z]. The following explanations were expected to be captured:
Bayanin furucin [z]:
Gurbin furuci:
Ɗan hanƙa ne;
Tsinin harshe da hanƙa suke haɗuwa wajen furta shi.
Yanayin furuci:
Zuzau ne;
Iskar furucinsa tana ficewa ta matsatsin tsinin harshe da hanƙa.
Matsayin maƙwallato:
Mai ziza ne;
Maƙwallato yana karkaɗawa ya samar da ziza.
[z] ɗan hanƙa ne, zuzau, mai ziza.
Candidates’ performance in this question was not encouraging.