History 2, Nov/Dec 2013  
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Question 9

In what five ways did the people of Igboland react to the introduction of Indirect Rule by the British?



This was a popular question among the candidates. It simply required the candidates to highlight the reactions of the people in Igboland to the introduction of Indirect Rule. A number of candidates focused on that but a number of others went on discussing the reactions of people from other parts of Nigeria to the introduction of Indirect Rule. In order to earn good marks in this question, candidates were expected to explain the following points.

(i)   The people saw the Indirect Rule as an imposition of an alien system of government and they did not like it;
(ii)         the warrant Chiefs appointed by the British were not popular among the people;
(iii)        many of the warrant Chiefs were those who had helped the British to subdue their own people and were being compensated, so their people hated them;
(iv)        direct taxation, that was part of Indirect System, was alien to the Igbo and was violently resented; (v)        the Native court established under the Indirect Rule was seen by the people as  an instrument of victimization rather than forum for dispensing justice.

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