History Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2020




    In what five ways was salt important to the people of Nigeria in pre-colonial times?






This question was popular among the candidates, as many of them attempted it. The candidates who attempted it performed very poor and scored low marks. These candidates deprived themselves good marks by not taking note of the period in History (pre-colonial).


They were expected to provide the following answers to the question.


  1. Salt was used in cooking.
  2. It was used as a preservative.
  3. Possession of a source of salt enhanced the prestige of people who owned it.
  4. Salt promoted inter-state trade and competition.
  5. It offered employment.
  6. It was used as a form of currency.
  7. It was used for medicinal purposes.
  8. It was a source of income for individuals and states.
  9. It was used for payment of bride price.
  10. It was used for ritual purposes.
  11. It was used for purification.