Question 2
(a) In what three ways has the study of material remains helped in the reconstruction of Nigerian history?
(b) Outline any two effects of the environment on early Nigerians.
This was a popular question and was attempted by most of the candidates. Their performance was not good as they didn’t really understand it. Some mixed up the information of the two sections. Some gave the answer of section (a) to section (b) and vice versa.
The candidates were expected to provide the following answers to the question.
(a)(i) The study of material remains revealed that Nigeria had advanced civilization.
(ii) The study also showed that human activities such as blacksmithing, iron smelting, pottery and carving had been going on in Nigeria prior to the coming of the Europeans.
(iii) It portrayed the rich artistic culture of the early people of Nigeria.
(iv) The study revealed that the coastal and forest zones of the early Nigeria had been inhabited.
(b)(i) The environment determined the occupation of the early Nigerians.
(ii) It determined the nature of trade relations among the early people of Nigeria.
(iii) It had bearing on inter-regional movement.
(iv) It determined the defence system of the people.
(v) It also determined the diets of the people.
(vi) It influences their religious practices.