Physical Education Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2020

Question 4


(a) State six factors that influence the choice of recreational activity. [6 marks]

(b)Mention two nutrients other than carbohydrate which should be in a diet of an athlete. [2 marks]

(c) Outline two reasons pre-game diet should contain more carbohydrate.




This question was attempted by majority of the candidates and their performance was above average.
In part (a), majority of the candidates stated the factors that influence the choice of recreational activity.

In part (b), few candidates stated the nutrients other than carbohydrate which should be in a diet of an athlete.

In part (c), majority of the candidates were able to outline reasons why pre-game diet should contain more carbohydrate.

The expected answers are as follows:

              Factors that influence the choice of recreational activities
Age                                                           Religion
Sex                                                            Health status
Culture                                                      Financial status
Availability of facilities                            Climate
Availability of equipment                         Interest
Social status

Nutrient other than carbohydrate that should be in the diet of an athlete
Fats and oil
Mineral salt

      Reasons why pre-game diets should contain more carbohydrate

Best sources of immediate energy;

End product easily absorbed by the body.