Physical Education Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2020

Question 7


    (a) Explain the term circulatory system.  [4 marks]

    (b) List three organs of the respiratory system.  [3 marks]

    (c)  Mention three types of bones in the human body.  [3 marks]




Majority of the candidates avoided this question and the performance of those that responded to it was above average.

In part (a), majority of the candidates could not explain the term circulatory system.

In part (b), majority of the candidates listed three organs of the respiratory system.

In part (c), majority of the candidates mentioned three types of bones in the human body.

The expected answers are as follows:

(a)Circulatory system
Is made up of all the organs/named and blood vessels concerned with the movement of blood and other materials from one part of the body to another where they are either used or removed.                                                                                                          

(b)organs of the respiratory system
Nose                                                          Bronchi
Trachea/wind pipe                                    Alveoli
Pharynx                                                     Lungs

(c) Types of bones in the body
Long bone                                    
Short bone                        
Flat bone  
Irregular bone