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Agricultural Science Paper 2, Nov/Dec 2009  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Main
General Comments

Question 9

(a)    What is a profit and loss account?                                                                [2 marks]
(b)    Explain each of the following terms as used in agricultural enterprise:
         (i)       asset;
       (ii)       networth;
      (iii)       revenue;

  1. liability.                                                                                                [ 8 marks]

(c)    Distinguish between result demonstration and method demonstration in agricultural
        extension.                        [ 6 marks]


This question was very popular with the candidates.  In 9(a), majority of the candidates  could define a profit and loss account.  Further to this, in 9(b) many candidates were able to  explain terms used in agricultural enterprise (i.e asset, networth, revenue and liability).

  However, in 9(c), many candidates were unable to distinguish between result demonstration  and method demonstration in agricultural extension.

      The expected answers include:
      Distinction between result demonstration and method demonstration in Agricultural

-     Result demonstration is used by the extension worker during the early stages of the introduction  of farming innovations to convince farmers why they should adopt introduced innovations
-      This helps to create the needed awareness and proofs that the  innovations are practicable under
local conditions


     -      Method demonstration is used by the extension worker to teach improved farming skills or the      techniques of performing recommended agricultural operations

     -       It teaches farmers how things are done and not why they are done
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