Agriculture Paper 2, WASSCE (PC 1ST), 2019

Question 2


During a trip to a farm, it was observed that 50% of the cocoa pods were covered with brown powdery and soaky pods. Use the information to provided to answer questions 2(a) and 2(b).

(i) Name the disease associated with the observed symptoms. (1 mark)
(ii) List three ways of controlling the disease named in 2(a)(i). (3 marks)

(b) (i) State three pests of cocoa. (3 marks)
(ii) State three ways of controlling the pests mentioned in 2(b)(i). (3 marks)

(c)Enumerate five factors to be considered in siting a crop farm; (5 marks)

(d) Mention three ways of maintaining survey equipment. (3 marks)


a) This question was fairly popular among the candidates. However, few candidates failed to identify black pod disease as the cocoa disease described as well as its control measures.
 The expected answers include:

2.(a)(i)   Name of the disease

  • Black pod disease of cocoa

(ii) Ways of controlling the disease

  • Remove and destroy infected pods.
  • Weed regularly.
  • Prune lower branches and canopy.
  • Apply fungicide

b(i) Pests of cocoa

  • Cocoa capsids/mirids
  • Mealy bugs
  • Termites
  • Shield bug
  • Leaf worms
  • Spider mites
  • Monkey

(ii) Ways of controlling cocoa pests

  • Spray with appropriate insecticides
  • Regular weeding
  • Early harvesting
  • Use of resistant crop varieties
  • Shooting with gun where possible
  • Use of traps

(c) Factors to be considered in siting a crop farms

  • Soil fertility/soil type
  • Topography of the land
  • Accessibility
  • Proximity to source of water
  • Proximity to market
  • Orientation of the farmland
  • Availability/cost of labour

(d) Ways of maintaining survey equipment

  • Clean or wash and dry properly after use before storage
  • Grease or oil the metal parts
  • Paint the metal parts when necessary
  • Make sure graduated measurements are not cleaned off
  • Keep prismatic compass away from magnetic field
  • Store in a cool dry place
  • Use the equipment for appropriate operation