Agriculture Paper 2, WASSCE (PC 1ST), 2019

Question 1


  1. Write the full meaning of the acronyms of the following non-governmental agricultural organizations:
    (i) WARDA;
    (ii) IITA;
    (iii) FAO;
    (iv) ILCA. (4 marks)   

    (b) Mention six ways in which agriculture is of benefit to rural communities. (6 marks)

    (c) List four liming materials used in agriculture. (4 marks)

    (d) Give four examples of sedimentary rocks. (4 marks)


a) This question was quite unpopular among candidates. Majority of candidates were unable to write the full meaning of the listed non-governmental agricultural organizations. Candidates also found it difficult to spell correctly.
b) Some candidates could not give examples of sedimentary rocks as well as list the liming materials used in agriculture.

The expected answers include:

1.(a)Full meaning of acronyms of non-governmental agricultural organizations

(i) WARDA - West African Rice Development Agency/Association
(ii)IITA - International Institute for Tropical Agriculture
(iii) FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization
(iv) ILCA - International Livestock Centre for Africa        

(b)  Ways in which Agriculture is of benefit to rural communities

- Provision of food
- Provision of medicinal herbs
- Creation of market for local/industrial goods
- Provision of materials for shelter
- Provision of employment
- Provision of means of transportation/beast of burden/work animals
- Provision of income/revenue for farmers
- Provision of raw materials for cottage industries           

(c)Liming materials used in Agriculture

- Quick lime (CaO) - Calcite (CaCO3)
- Limestone (CaCO3) - Chalk (CaCO3)
- Slaked lime (Ca(OH)2) - Dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2)
- Calcium bicarbonate (Ca(HCO3)2) - Gypsum CaSO4.2H2O
- Basic slag Ca(OHSiO3)2 - Wood ash Ca(PO4)2SiO4
- Bone meal/calcium phosphate (CaPO4)

(ii) Examples of sedimentary rocks

- Lignite
-Common salt
- Gypsum
- Limestone
- Flint
- Coal
- Sandstone
- Breccia
- Clay
- Shale
- Mudstone
- Chalk