Agriculture Paper 2, WASSCE (PC 1ST), 2019

Question 4


(a) (i) Differentiate between intensive system and extensive system of livestock management. (2 marks)
(ii) State five disadvantages of keeping livestock on free range system. (5 marks)

(b)Give five reasons for rearing livestock. (5 marks)

(c) State six ways in which ornamental plants are important. (6 marks)


a) This question was popular among candidates but majority of them omitted the use of conjunction in differentiating between the intensive and extensive system of livestock production; thus losing marks.
 The expected answers include:

4.(a)(i)   Difference between intensive system and extensive system of livestock management

Intensive system of livestock management is a system in which livestock are kept under confinement at a high stocking rate with adequate provision for housing, feeding and health care
Extensive system of livestock management is a system in which livestock are kept at low stocking rate with little or no provision for housing, feeding and health care.

(ii) Disadvantages of keeping livestock on free range system

  • Exposes animals to infectious diseases.
  • Exposes animals to predators.
  • Difficulty in keeping records for individual animals.
  • Exposes animals to pests.
  • Feeding cannot be controlled.
  • Breeding programme cannot be planned.
  • Exposes animals to thieves.
  • Animals dissipate energy in search of food and water.
  • Characterized by slow growth rate and productivity.
  • Exposes animals to environmental hazards and accidents.

(c) Ways in which ornamental plants are important

  • Source of foreign exchange
  • Source of income
  • Source of employment
  • Used to beautify the environment
  • Used in landscaping
  • Promote tourism
  • Serve as wind break
  • Some have medicinal value
  • Used to demarcate boundaries
  • Used for marking avenues
  • Used for educational/research purposes
  • Used for visual screening or concealing views to provide privacy
  • Some ornamental plants are edible/used as food for humans/animals
  • Leguminous ornamental plants fix nitrogen into the soil
  • Some ornamental plants produce fragrance which give pleasure to people
  • Help to reduce night blur on major roads to prevent accidents in the night
  • Used in bouquets, garlands and wreaths
  • The flowers of some ornamental plants are used in the preparation of dyes