Agriculture Paper 2, WASSCE (PC 1ST), 2019


Majority of the candidates were unable to:

  • write the full meaning of acronyms of non-governmental agricultural organizations;
  • list the liming materials used in agriculture;
  • give examples of sedimentary rocks;
  • give the causative organism of crop diseases;
  • explain malnutrition, weaning, heat period and candling;
  • explain marketing, retailer and wholesaler;
  • state the problems associated with the marketing of agricultural produce in West Africa;


     Based on the observed weaknesses the Chief Examiners recommended as follows:

  • Adequate coverage of the syllabus with particular emphasis on the new areas of the syllabus;
  • The acquisition of practical skills in the subject through farm visits, excursion;  
  • Candidates should be exposed to technical terms used in Agriculture;
  • Candidates should write legibly and concisely;
  • Candidates should improve on their vocabulary;