Agriculture Paper 2, WASSCE (PC 1ST), 2019

Question 6


(a) Explain the following terms as used in agricultural economics:

  • Marketing;
  • Retailer;
  • wholesaler;
  • (6 marks)

(b)State five problems associated with the marketing of agricultural produce in West Africa. (5marks)

(c)Outline four factors that affect the price of rice. (4 marks)

(d)List three ways by which agricultural information are disseminated to farmers in West Africa. (3 marks)


a) Candidates’ responses to Question 6 was poor. Many candidates were unable to explain marketing, retailer and wholesaler concisely as well as state the problems associated with marketing agricultural produce in West Africa
 The expected answers include:

6.(a)   Explanation of terms used in agricultural economics

(i) Marketing
Marketing refers to all economic activities involved in the transfer of produce from the farm gate to the final consumers .

(ii) Retailer
A retailer is an individual or agency which sells farm produce to the consumers in units or small quantities as at when needed .

(iii) Wholesaler
A wholesaler is an intermediary between the producer and the retailer who sells produce in bulk.

(b) Problems of agricultural marketing in West Africa

  • The nature of the produce/perishability of farm produce/bulkiness
  • Small scale production
  • Inadequate transport facilities
  • Inefficient handling/packaging
  • Inadequate processing facilities
  • Inadequate storage and warehousing facilities
  • Inadequate standardization of weights and measures
  • Problem of adulteration
  • Price instability
  • Poor marketing skills/system
  • Inadequate research on marketing
  • Inadequate financing
  • Activities of middlemen

(c) Factors that affect the price of rice

  • Number of producers/quantity supplied
  • Weather condition
  • Change in cost of production
  • Technology employed in production
  • Availability of substitutes for rice
  • Demand for rice


(d)Ways by which agricultural information are disseminated to farmers in West Africa

  • Agricultural shows/exhibitions
  • Farm visits
  • Special projects
  • Radio
  • Newspapers
  • Cinema
  • Farmers’ cooperative societies
  • Internet/e-mail/text messages
  • Magazine
  • Farm supervision
  • Lectures
  • Town criers
  • Home visits
  • Discussions
  • Television
  • Posters
  • Symposia
  • Workshops
  • Conferences
  • Telephone calls
  • Leaflets and bulletin
  • Meetings
  • Tours and field trips