Civic Education Paper 2 Aug./Sept. 2018



Question 2


(a)        Explain Law and order
(b)        Highlight four effects of law and order on Nigerians.



A large percentage of candidates attempted this question. It was discovered that candidates defined law and order separately as opposed to the single definition required in the A part. Also in the B part, the candidates misinterpreted the effects of law and order as functions of government i.e providing basic necessities for the citizens thereby, the B posed more of a challenge to the candidates compared to the A part. Below are ways candidates were expected to have answered the question.

  1. Law and Order is a condition in which the existing rules, regulations, norms and related legal codes are recognized and observed for the sustenance of peace, orderliness and security of lives and property in society.

  3. Effects Of Law And Order On Nigerians
    1. It ensures peace and harmony in the society.
    2. It guarantees security of life and property of Nigerians.
    3. It promotes orderly behaviour of citizens/queuing culture.
    4. It ensures social stability in human relationships among Nigerians.
    5. It promotes socio-economic development.
    6. It promotes effective function of societal institutions.
    7. It promotes accountability of the government to the governed.
    8. It ensures tolerance of other peoples opinion/views.
    9. It ensures obedience to constituted authorities.
    10. It enhances due process/justice/equity/fairness.