Civic Education Paper 2 Aug./Sept. 2018



Question 3


(a)       Define traffic regulations.

(b)       Highlight six roles of individuals in maintaining traffic regulations.



This was a popular question. All the candidates who attempted it demonstrated good understanding of the demands of the question; they performed credibly well and scored high marks especially in the B part where they were able to highlight and explain roles of individuals in maintaining traffic regulations. Nevertheless, some candidates deprived themselves of scoring the maximum mark obtainable in the B part by just highlighting the points without explaining them. Below are samples of answers candidates were expected to provide to the question;


  1. Creating public awareness through workshops/seminars.
  2. Forming road safety clubs in schools, colleges and associations.
  3. Wearing reflexive attires while walking at night.
  4. Using pedestrian facilities where available.
  5. Individuals should be safety conscious.
  6. Avoiding commercial activities by the road side.
  7. Avoiding erection of buildings close to highways/roads
  8. Avoiding night travels where necessary.
  9. Avoiding putting pressure on driver to over speed.
  10. Obtaining valid driver’s license.
  11. Discouragement of under-age driving.