Civic Education Paper 2 Aug./Sept. 2018



Question 6


(a)        Define HIV/AIDS.
(b)        List two causes of HIV/AID.
(c)        State five ways of preventing HIV/AIDS.



This question was equally popular. Most of the candidates who attempted it performed creditably well and scored high marks. The fact that the question has three components made it an advantage to candidates who didn’t do well in some parts and gained full marks in other parts. Nevertheless, in the A part, some candidates deprived themselves of good marks as they only wrote the full meaning of the acronym for HIV/AIDS as against its real definition.  The candidates were expected to provide the following answers to the question:


  1. HIV/AIDS is an infection which attacks and destroys the immune system in human body and makes the infected person to develop the incurable Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) that makes the carrier open to opportunistic infections.

  2. Ways of preventing HIV/AIDS
    1. Abstinence from unprotected sexual intercourse.
    2. Using of condom/barrier method.
    3. Being faithful to one’s partner (wife/husband).
    4. Use of screened blood during transfusion.
    5. Use of sterilized objects.
    6. Avoid sharing of sharp objects.
    7. Use of disposable sharp objects e.g. needle/syringe.
    8. Encouraging voluntary testing for HIV/AIDS.