Cosmestology Paper 2, WASSCE (SC), 2017

Question 1 / Observation


In this question, candidates were required to
      (a)(i)  list four aspects of cosmetology;
          (ii)  Explain three aspects of cosmetology mentioned in 1(a) (i);
      (b)      State six good professional ethics of a good cosmetologist;
      (c)(i)   Define good grooming;
          (ii)   Mention four characteristics of a well-groomed cosmetologist;
     (d)(i)    Moist heat;
          (ii)   Dry heat.
     (e)   List four forms of advertisement used by a cosmetologist.

Candidates’ were able to answer the questions correctly and it was one of their strength, but the  ‘d’ part of the question posed some difficulties as majority of the candidates’ was unable to define moist and dry heat correctly e.g.  Moist heat sterilized with water and steamer and Dry heat sterilized from steamer instead of moist heat from steam/ vapour moisture and dry air free from vapour/ moisture/ steam so the candidates’ preformed woefully.