Fisheries Paper 2 Alt B., WASSCE (SC), 2016


Candidates were unable to:

- list materials that could be used to capture fish;

- describe the types of capture fisheries;

- list the materials needed for the construction of a gill net;

- state the ways of maintaining a planked canoe;

- name culturable fishery organisms;

- state the management practices in fish seed production;

- state the advantages of culture fisheries;

- state the disadvantages of capture fisheries;

- describe spot feeding and automated feeding;

- state the ways of preventing pesticides from contaminating fish pond water;

- state the differences between sexually mature male and female catfish.


Consequent on the identified weaknesses observable in the candidates’ scripts, the Chief Examiners made the following recommendations:

(i) Only competent graduates of Fisheries should be saddled with the responsibility of teaching the subject in Senior Secondary Schools;

(ii) Fisheries should be taught as a practical oriented subject through laboratory activities, field trips, excursions etc; and

(iii) Adequate facilities and textbooks on Fisheries should be made available to enhance the teaching – learning of Fisheries in Senior Secondary Schools.