Geography Paper 3 WASSCE (SC), 2016

Question 1

Study the map extract provided on a scale of 1:50,000 and answer the questions that follow.

(a) In your answer booklet, draw the outline of the mapped area to a scale of 1:50,000.


(b) In your new outline, insert and name:

     (i) The main road from UGEP junction to the north western end of the map;

     (ii) CROSS RIVER;

     (iii) 100ft contour line in the south eastern part of the map.


(c) Describe the drainage of the mapped area.


(d) Using evidence from the map, identify any two possible economic activities in the mapped area.

This was a compulsory question attempted by many candidates. Many of the candidates reduced the outline of the map successfully and inserted the required features.

However, quite a good number of the candidates could not correctly describe the drainage characteristics of the mapped area. The required answers were:

- major river is CROSS RIVER

- CROSS RIVER is at the lower stage.

- well drained.

- drainage density of the area is high

- North –western corner of the area is liable to flooding

- The major river is located in the north western part of the map


The possible occupation of the mapped area was also poorly expressed. The expected answers were:

- Farming due to the presence of the scattered cultivation.

- Lumbering due to the presence of forest

- Fishing due to the presence of rivers