Geography Paper 3 WASSCE (PC 1), 2019

Question 1
Study the map extract provided on a scale of 1:50,000 and use it to answer the questions that follow.

  1. In the answer booklet, enlarge the area ABCD to two times its original size and state the scale of the new outline.
  2. On your outline, insert and name:
    1. the secondary road;
    2. a major river in the area and its direction of flow;
    3. the 650 ft contour line.
  3. Calculate the distance of the secondary road in your new outline in kilometres.
  4. Using evidence from the map, identify three occupations of the inhabitants of the mapped
  5. area.



This is a compulsory question answered by virtually all the candidates that took the examination. Some of the candidates were able to enlarge the map correctly and also inserted the required features at the right locations. However, a few candidates did not consider the fact that they were to enlarge the map by twice its original dimension, even when it was clearly stated. Such candidates should do a good deal of practising the act of map reduction and enlargement which will enhance perfection. A good proportion of the candidates were able to measure the length of the secondary road and applied the scale of the map to arrive at the correct answer in kilometres. Similarly, almost all the candidates who attempted the question were able to specify the occupation of the inhabitants of the mapped area using evidence from the map.