Government 2, WASSCE (PC), 2016

Question 6

(a) What is the policy of assimilation?
(b) State four reasons that led to the failure of the policy of assimilation in French West Africa.


This question was unpopular and was also avoided by some of the candidates. The few ones who attempted it did not perform well; they failed to provide correct answers to the questions. The candidates were expected to provide the following answers in order to score good marks.

  1. The policy of assimilation was the imposition of French culture on the indigenes on French West African colonies.
  1. (i)         Discrimination practices between the citizens and subjects led to the           agitation against the policy.

(ii)        Disrespect for African culture and tradition.
(iii)       Disrespect for traditional rulers and chieftaincy institution.
(iv)       Limited right to western education for the subjects.
(v)        The subjects were denied of their political rights.
(vi)       The policy was too expensive to operate.
(vii)      The success of indirect rule in British West Africa had effect on the                                                people of French West Africa.
(viii)     The dehumanizing nature of French policies – e.g. Indigénat,                                                          prestation.
(ix)       The spread of nationalism in British West Africa.
(x)        Intellectual condemnation of the policy – Aime Cesaire, Leopold                            Senghor in his ‘Negritute’.
(xi)       The policy opposed some of the religious practices of the Africans.
(xii)      The assimilated Africans were ostracized by their kith and kin.
(xiii)     Resistance from French merchants/traders.
(xiv)     Cultural incompatibility between the French and Africans.