History Paper 2 Aug. /Sept. 2022

Question 3


    In what five ways was weaving important to the pre-colonial people of Nigeria?


This was a very popular question among the candidates. Those who attempted it understood its demand and gave five ways weaving was important to the pre-colonial people of Nigeriaand scored good marks. The points which ought to have been discussed are listed below.


(i)         Weaving industry provided clothes for everyday use and ceremonies.
(ii)        It provided household utensils e.g. trays and bags.
(iii)       It was a source of income for those engaged in it.
(iv)       It encouraged trading activities.         
(v)        It also provided employment.
(vi)       It encouraged other industries e.g. dyeing and embroidery.
(vii)      Woven items were used as bridal items.
(viii)     It provided baskets for storage purposes.
(ix)       It provided baskets for fishing.
(x)        Some weaving items were used for transportation of items e.g. baskets.