History Paper 2 Aug. /Sept. 2022

Question 9


In what fiveways did the foreign policy of President Obasanjo affect the people of Nigeria from 1975 – 1979?


This was an unpopular question and was poorly answered by the candidates. The underlisted points were expected to be outlined by candidates in order to get good marks.

(i)        Obasanjo’s foreign policy supported liberation movements in Africa  thereby promoted the image of Nigeria.
(ii)        His foreign policy supported the legitimate government in Zimbabwe and other African countries and thereby made those countries friendly to Nigeria.
(iii)       His foreign policy made Nigeria an advocate and champion of the struggle against Apartheid in South Africa.
(iv)       His regime hosted the anti-Apartheid Conference thereby raising the image of Nigeria further.
(v)        His regime nationalized the assets of some multinational companies in Nigeria thereby boosted the economy of the country.