History Paper 2 Aug. /Sept. 2022

Question 4


Outline any fivefactors which contributed to the decline of Benin in the 19th century.




            This question was popular among the candidates and the few ones who attempted it did not find the question difficult to answer. They understood the demands of the question and identified the required points to score high marks. Some of the candidates failed to improve on their points and scored low marks. To get good marks, candidateswere expected to mention the following points:

(i)         Revolts of Benin’s vassal states at the beginning of the 19th century e.g. Warri.
(ii)        The abolition of the trans-Atlantic slave trade led to loss of revenue.
(iii)       The outbreak of the Yoruba Civil Wars which affected Benin’s trading activities with the Ijebu and others.
(iv)       The rise of Ibadan affectedBenin’s political control over Akure, Owo and Ekiti.
(v)        The Jihad hindered her trade with the Hausaland.
(vi)       TheItsekiri dominance of the palm oil trade did not favour Benin.