Technical Drawing 3, WASSCE (PC 2ND), 2018

Question 1




The figure above shows the views of a block in first angle projection. Make a freehand pictorial sketch of the block making X the lowest point.





Candidates were required to make a freehand pictorial sketch of a given block making X the lowest point.

Majority of the candidates attempted this question and their performance was

However some of the candidates did not make X the lowest point.


Candidates were expected to do the following:



i. sketch the block in isometric;
ii. make X the lowest point;       
iii. sketch faces A;                                   
iv. sketch face B;                        
v. sketch faces C;                                  
vi. sketch face  D;                                               
vii. sketch face  E;                        
viii.sketch faces F;                       
ix. sketch face  G;                                   
x. sketch face  H;                                   
xi. sketch the hole            ;          
xii.sketch neatly.   


The solution is shown below:


Freehand Sketch of the Block