Technical Drawing 3, WASSCE (SC), 2018

Question 1


Figure 1 shows a block in orthographic projection.  Make a freehand pictorial sketch of the block making X the lowest point.




Candidates were required to make a freehand pictorial sketch of the given block in
isometric projection making X, the lowest point.

Most of the candidates who attempted this question performed well, they were able to show the lowest point X and also they were able to draw in isometric.

However, some of the candidates seem not to understand the differences between freehand sketch and drawing using drawing instruments.  Also some could not assemble the various parts of the block to make a complete isometric view.

Candidates were expected to:

i.          sketch in isometric projection;
ii.         sketch with X as the lowest point;
iii.        sketch face A;
iv.        sketch  face B;
v.         sketch face C;
vi.        sketch face D;
vii.       sketch face E;
viii.      sketch face F;
ix.        sketch face G;
x.         sketch face J;
xii.       sketch neatly and show line quality.


The solution is shown below:

Freehand Sketch of the Block