Many candidates were able to demonstrate their strengths in the ability to
- identify the parts of the trouser labelled;
- suggest a suitable neatening for the lower edge of the pair of trouser;
- explain how to measure the part of the trouser labelled V;
- state ways of neatening the waistline of a skirt;
- explain why the following factors have to be considered when planning the wardrobe:
Weather condition, money available and family composition;
- state reasons why families renovate clothing;
- state uses of interfacing;
- state different ways of decorating a toddler’s play dress;
- state fabrics suitable for making a toddler’s play dress in the tropics
- suggest fabrics for making the jumper drawn;
- enumerate the characteristics of clothes for leisure activities in the tropics;
- state the uses of pockets on a man’s jumper;