Foods and Nutrition Paper 2, WASSCE (SC), 2021

Question 2

In this question, candidates were requested to
     Explain the following cooking terms:

  1. Grease;
  2. Marinade;
  3. Grate;
  4. Reconstitute;
  5. Garnish.


Candidates did not respond positively to this question and it was one of the weaknesses they exhibited. The candidates were unable to explain the following cooking terms: grease, marinade, grate, reconstitute and garnish correctly. Therefore, the candidates performed poorly. The expected answers are
Grease: - application of fats/oil to wares to prevent food baking tin/dish or pudding bowl; Marinade: - to soak and cover food with edible acid mixtures of oil, vinegar/lemon juice/cooking wine and yoghurt to add flavor and make the food tender e.g tough cuts of meat; Grate: - to use a grater to cut/shred/shave/reduce/rub food into very fine or smaller pieces; Reconstitute: - to add water to a concentrate or some powdered/dried food to return/ bring back its original nature state;
Garnish: - to make a savoury dish of food look attractive, interesting and appetizing by arranging small, dainty, colourful pieces of food on it. (These pieces of food can be used raw or cooked e.g parsley, lemon slices/wedges, beetroot, and tomatoes).