Animal Husbandry Paper 3 WASSCE (SC), 2017

Question 1

Study specimens C,D,E and F and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Give the botanical names of each of specimens C, D, and E. [3 marks]

(b) Name the forage type to which each of specimens C, D, and E belongs. [3 marks]

(c) State four ways in which specimen C is important in livestock production. [4 marks]

(d) State the type of farm animal that is mostly fed with specimen F.[1 mark]

(e) Describe the process of preparing specimen F. [4 marks]



This question was well attempted by the candidates. The question required candidates’ mastery of the botanical names of forage crops, their forage type, importance of specimen C in livestock production and the process of hay production since the farm animals are mostly feed with hay. Majority of the candidates did not pay close attention to the necessary details and as such that negligence robbed them off some precious marks. However, many candidates could not arrange sequentially the process involved in hay preparation whereas some other candidates either misspelt or failed to underline separately the botanical names.
The expected answers include

1 (a)

(e) Process of preparing specimen F (Hay) 

- Cut forage before flowering/early maturity/bloom

- Forage material is chopped

- Spread chopped forage/regular turning of spread forage

- Dry to reduce moisture content

- Dry to maintain its green colour

- Bale / pack

- Stack / store in a dry place