Animal Husbandry Paper 3 WASSCE (SC), 2017

Question 2

Study specimens C,D,E and F and answer the questions that follow.

(a) (i) State two harmful effects of each of specimens J, K and L in livestock production.

(ii)State two ways of controlling each of specimens J, K and L on livestock Farms. [12 marks]

(b) Mention three other storage pests in farm animal production. [3 marks]



This question was fairly attempted by the candidates. The question sought to test candidates’ knowledge and familiarity with field and storage pests in livestock production. Majority of the candidates did not give correct response to the questions because they could not correctly interpret the questions. Most of the candidates’ answers were towards the farm animals rather than how the field and storage pests affected their feed.

(a)(i) Many candidates could not correctly state the harmful effects of specimens J (Soldier Ants), K (Weaver bird) and L (Weevil) in livestock production.(ii) Many candidates could not also correctly state the methods of controlling specimens J, K and L. (b) Many mentioned pests that are not even related to storage pests.

The expected answers include:

2(a)(i) Harmful effects of specimens J, K and L on livestock production specimen

J (Soldier ants)

- Consumption of feed

- Cause discomfort/injury/injury/irritation/restlessness

- Contaminate/reduce water quality

- Destroys pasture/vegetation

- Could kill farm animals

- Reduces the quality of animal hid fur

Specimen K (weaver bird)

- Consumption of feed / feedstuff

- Contaminate feed with droppings

- Contaminate / pollute water with droppings

- Vectors / carriers of disease / pathogens

- Farm animals are disturbed by their presence

- Droppings may contaminate farm equipment

- Destroys pasture/vegetation

Specimen L (weevil)

- Consumption of feed / feedstuff

- Reduce nutrients in feed

- It reduces viability of pasture seeds

- It causes contamination of feed

- Store grains in airtight container

(ii) Methods of controlling specimen J, K and L

Specimen J Soldier ant)

- Use of fire / smoke

- Application of common salt

- Use of hot water

- Application of insecticides/ant trap/kerosene/spent engine oil

- Destruction of ant hill/colony

- Construction of channels/sticky barriers/repellant

- Blocking of holes and crevices on walls and floors.

- Maintain high level of hygiene

- Hand picking

Specimen K (weaver bird)

- Use of avicide / posion

- Use of scare crows

- Use of traps


- Drumming/noise making on the farm

Specimen L (weevil)

- Use of insecticide

- Handpicking

- Application of heat / roasting/boiling

- Drying of feeds / feedstuffs

- Use of repellant e.g. dried pepper

(b) Storage pests of farm animals

- Cockroach

- Termites

- Rat/rodent/wild rabbits

- Beetle

- Mould/fungi

- Wasp

- Nematodes