Agricultural Science Paper 2, May/June 2012  
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Question 8
  1. (a)        (i)         Explain the term malnutrition as used in animal production.                        [2 marks]
                 (ii)         State four effects of malnutrition on farm animals.                                   [4 marks]

    (b)        Write short notes on the following methods of rangeland improvement:
                (i)         rotational grazing;
    (ii)        reseeding;
                (iii)       controlled stocking.                                                                                       [6 marks]
    (c)        State four objectives of animal improvement programmes in West Africa.               [4 marks]          



This question was very popular among the candidates.  Most of them were able to explain the term malnutrition and could also state four effects of malnutrition on farm animal as required in 8((a)(i-ii).  However, majority of them could not write short notes on methods of range land improvement (rotational grazing, reseeding and controlled stocking) as required in 8(b)(i-iii).  Also majority of the candidates could state four objectives of animal improvement programmes in West Africa as required in 8(c).

The expected answers include:
(b)        Methods of rangeland improvement

      (i)   Rotational grazing:
-    Rangeland is divided into units called paddocks. 
-    Animals are grazed on each paddock on rotational basis. 
-    Grazing in the rangeland should be planned and strictly adhered to. 
-    The previously grazed paddock should regenerate before the animals are returned there. 

     (ii)   Reseeding

  • This is planting seeds of grasses and legumes in a depleted  rangeland. 
  • It is a way to improve the quality of the pasture with improved seeds of legumes and grasses.
  • The rangeland is allowed to rest for good growth of the sown grass and legume species.

     (iii)  Controlled stocking: 

  • Number of animals in the range should be controlled.  
  • Rangeland should be stocked to its maximum carrying capacity.
  • Overstocking  should be avoided to check depletion of rangeland
  • Overstocking should be discouraged to prevent disease, pest and parasites infestations.
  • Overstocking may lead to soil degradation/erosion.


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