Carpentry And Joinery (Paper 2) WASSCE (SC), 2016

Question 6

(a)        State one precautionary measure to be taken against the occurrence of
                        each of the following hazards in a workshop:

  1. loose clothing entangling in a machine;
  2. heavy object falling on toes;
  3. inhaling of harmful substance;
  4. falling off a ladder;
  5. having a cut from the revolving cutter of a machine.

(b)        (i)         Make a pictorial sketch of a pad saw.
(ii)        Label two parts of the sketch in 6 (b)(i).
(iii)       State the use of the pad saw.


Most candidates were able to:

-           state one precautionary measure to be taken against the occurrence
of each of the listed hazards in a workshop;
-           make a pictorial sketch of a pad saw;
-           label two parts of the sketch.

However, few of them were unable to:

-           state one precautionary measure against the occurrence of loose
clothing entangling in a machine and falling off a ladder;
-           state the use of the pad saw.

The expected response to question 6 is as given below:

6          (a)        One precautionary measure to be taken against the occurrence of each of the

  • avoid wearing loosed clothing;
  • wearing hard-toe shoes or safety boot;
  • wearing nose mask/respirators;
  • incline ladder at correct angle (70o);
  • check ladder stiles for defects
  • use safety belt
  • the bottom of a ladder must rest on a firm base
  • the bottom of a ladder must rest on a level ground
  • putting the guards in place;




(b)        (i)         Pictorial sketch of a pad saw. 



            (ii)        Label of two parts.  

            (iii)       Use of the Pad saw:

Pad saw is used for cutting internal curves where the bow saw or coping saw frames would be an obstruction or cutting key holes.